March 3, 2015

Smartlipo™ Laser Liposuction


Serenity MedSpa is proud to be one of the first in the nation to offer Smartlipoä laser liposuction. Smartlipo laser liposuction is a safer alternative to traditional liposuction, offering excellent body contouring results with an added benefit of skin tightening in the treatment area. Dr. David Kang, co-founder of Serenity MedSpa, is among the most experienced Smartlipo laser liposuction surgeons in the country.

smartlipo1smartlipo3How does the SmartLipo™ procedure work?*

SmartLipo laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure performed with local anesthesia, making it safer and more desirable than traditional liposuction, which requires general anesthesia. After locally anesthetizing the treatment area, a small incision is made to insert a thin tube containing a laser fiber, approximately 1.0mm in diameter, into the skin. This small tube is used to deliver the laser’s energy directly to the fat cells. The Smartlipo laser causes the fat cells to rupture and their contents are gently suctioned out through the same small incision with a suction tube. During the treatment, the laser energy also interacts with the skin, resulting in noticeable tightening.

The Smartlipo laser also causes small blood vessels to coagulate immediately on contact, resulting in less bleeding, swelling and bruising than traditional liposuction. This allows patients to recover more quickly with minimal discomfort. Because general anesthesia is not required, the procedure is very safe, with few potential side effects.

Results can be seen as soon as one week with continued improvement over several months. To ensure the best results and to speed recovery, we offer complimentary, noninvasive ultrasound body contouring treatments to our patients during postop visits.

Who is a good candidate for the SmartLipo™ Laser Lipolysis procedure?


If you have areas of fat that will not respond to diet and exercise, then you’re a candidate for Smartlipo laser liposuction. Ideal candidates are in good health with a BMI (body mass index) of less than 30.

Smartlipo laser liposuction is ideal for treating the jowls (sagging skin under the chin), upper arms, back, male breasts (gynecomastia), upper and lower abdomen, love handles, saddle bags (lateral thighs), inner thighs and knee areas.

Does Smartlipo™ laser liposuction produce lasting results?

Yes. When a person gains weight, the fat cells expand. However, since the Smartlipo laser liposuction procedure permanently removes fat cells, should you gain weight, you will notice less increase in size in the area where Smarlipo laser liposuction was performed.

For most patients, typically only one treatment is required. The session may last a couple of hours or more, depending on the size and the number of areas being treated.

What is the recovery process after Smartlipo™ laser liposuction?

After the Smartlipo laser liposuction procedure, we will provide you with a complementary medical-grade compression garment for you to wear for several days to several weeks, depending on the body area being treated. Rest is recommended after the procedure and activity may be resumed gradually. Patients are advised to refrain from hot tubs and strenuous exercise for at least two weeks. During postop visits we also offer complimentary noninvasive ultrasound treatment to help our patients to heal faster and achieve optimal results.

Before and After Photos

Freexe the fat away with Coolsculpting at Serenity Medspa. Click to find out more

*Results May Vary